Sunday, February 22, 2004

Mooning over Milan

(in the top ten list of leigh cheri's things to do the minute she gets back in Manila. my apologies for this advance review but i can't help it :-D... pa-victim)

1. i love claudine barretto's character. she starts out as some kind of tight-ass bitch but soon reveals just how much she mothers everyone anyway :-D

i definitely like how they have captured the pinay's classic definition of loving (a product of socialization, Catholicism and probably all the laundry soap ads from when television first arrived in the Philippines) thru her character: i love you and will do everything in my powers (i kid you not) to make you happy. ... Needless to say at the end of it, it's ooops i forgot to love myself (wail).

2. i love the clothes of the claudine character :-D. Really, gorgeous (hehehe a product of socialization in the capitalist patriarchal universe -- consumerism and the illusion of identity thru fasion!)

3. i love that no one character in the entire movie is perfect. everyone has some growing up to do. (althought that way it was some kind of long movie what with waiting for everyone to grow up! hehe).

4. i love how they brought out and portrayed one of those Pinoy open secrets -- the extra relationships in strange lands, the illicit love that actually ensures OFW's very survival. What to do? All of this love is real.

5. And it was the first time i learned about climbing mountains with one's luggage, avoiding dogs and the police to sneak into Italy. Oh totally pakshit reality.

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