Thursday, May 27, 2004

Low Batt but Tanned

Am back.

I like these "un-related" phrases. The ones that make you go, "huh?!?" with matching weirded-out expression. I am tired and woozy but I am tanned and pretty. I am the most visibly tanned of them all due to backstroking half the length of Mairaira blue lagoon. Backstroking because it was a far distance to get to the rocks part and that was the farthest I've exerted effort in a long while (hehe!).

Mairaira was lovely, simply gorgeous. It was a placid blue lagoon this time, half-deserted and hence, more beautiful. The water was calm and clear and oh so very blueeee. From up where we were snoozing on life preservers, just resting our heads on the styro, we could see clearly to the sandy ground about 10 feet below our raisin feet.

We hung out.
Swam about.
Jumped around.
Drank some sun.
Loved the clouds.

And corrected the spelling. It's Ma-i-ra-i-ra with two I's.

I stand, tanned and edited. :D

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