Wednesday, June 02, 2004

122 years ago

Maybe it's the way a pansy in the fields looks up at the sky, that celestial events are so fascinating. Here's what astrologer Kelli says about next week.

Rare Transit of Venus: June 8, 2004
Get ready for an extremely special, very rare astronomical event: On Tuesday, June 8, the silhouette of Venus will cross the disc of the Sun. It's like an extraordinary kind of eclipse -- the last time it happened was in 1882. This won't happen again until 2012, and after that not until 2117.

Astrologically speaking, this rarity has some amazing implications. The life-giving Sun represents consciousness, while Venus symbolizes the feminine -- the power of love, relating and consensus; the principles of diplomacy and protocol; artistic endeavors; and (last but not least!) money or value. With Venus so tightly aligned with the Sun, these ideas are likely to be very much in the zeitgeist. Look for women of power (Condoleezza Rice, Martha Stewart or Hillary Clinton, perhaps) to be in the news -- or issues of women's power. Important partnerships may be announced in the financial world, or a milestone in world currency, or news about conduct or propriety. Venus is a lover, not a fighter, so this transit could also be promising in terms of a worldwide peace movement.

On a personal level, relationships may be profoundly influenced, so be mindful about matters of the heart -- be sure to balance the give-and-take. Bear in mind, too, that Venus is retrograde during this period, so things may be going on beneath the surface in the love and relating department. This may not be the best time to make permanent decisions about partnerships (though you may be tempted to!). For best results, keep the lines of communication -- and your heart -- wide open.

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