Sunday, June 13, 2004

The Obligatory Harry Potter 3 Post

“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.”

1. I agree with samurai girl's fervent feelings about Daniel Radcliffe. Didn’t that scene where he was in bed, reading under the covers just make you want to slip into the bed with him?! … And those lips! (smirk, dirty old woman alert :D)

2. Remember that scene when Harry was on scary bird (sorry didn’t catch his name :-D, I’m a simpleton), flying low over this wonderful lake by Hogwarts? Remember he was holding on tight? Well it was because the Egyptian Temple Priestess screamed out, “Pangapyot!” to him, just at that moment. (And if you had a time tunnel, you could go back and catch that moment when the Egyptian Temple Priestess advised Harry.) But the thing is, this is the first time I’ve learned that Harry can understand Ilonggo. Hihihi… wizards!

3. Also, I ruminate on that stone, that stone that Hermione threw at herself thru the window. Just imagine! If it hadn’t looked like the stone that someone had thrown at her thru the window, then she might never have thought to throw it! Nice thoughtfully recognizable stone :D

4. This time tunneling thing. I love it. It’s so Time Traveler’s Wife. Thank you for lending it to me Dahon via the legal book-smuggling efforts of the aforementioned Priestess :D.

5. You know when you scream at the scary parts? It’s the best! It makes every peso of your P65 peso worth it. Even if it makes the people in front of you look over their shoulders with alarming frequency. Hihihihi. Besides, it wasn’t just me. It was also (mostly?) the Egyptian Temple Priestess! And I bet she would blame the Dementors for it!! Scary!!!

Oh what fun :D. Especially after having cleaned out a 16-page document the whole afternoon.

P.S. I haven’t read the book yet. What an illiterate person I am.

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