Sunday, July 25, 2004

The animal in me

The weekend could be quite intense, as Mars trines Pluto and Venus opposes it. Some less than desirable feelings may begin to show through - so take it easy, and don't say the wrong thing in a fit of temper.

Ahhh yes, did my share of ranting this weekend. I felt a tad guilty for raining on Customer Service's day but they just weren't giving appropriate service beyond the "We'll note that down Ma'am," which really just means "Adios baby, kiss your request goodbye!" or "Tweedle your thumbs till the next century comes to a close."

And my rant did get results :-(. Surely, I do not wish to have to rant to get things done.

Still, I note the lesson from this experience which is to pay my bills on time! It's not hard to do but I have a particular dislike to paying my cable tv bills.

So it's also true that I did sabotage my service. Now, however, I am paid up and reconnected, and beginning a new chapter in my life with my cable tv provider. Hehehe. Thanks to that Angel who finally got things done when she realized I wasn't getting off the phone till she did something. Thanks Angel, I hope never to rain on your parade again, but you were the sixth I had talked to in six days.

I actually had another bout with the learn-how-to-put-foot-down universal lesson plan this weekend, but ok, ok, the lesson is learned already, the story need not be told :-).

Jee wiz, cheez whiz!


And, :D!!!! Hehe. "Strangely sweet," in the words of a dear emotera friend.

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