Friday, July 16, 2004

Closing shop

After a solid six days of meetings (wow, new blogger posting interface, I just noticed), and eating, broken only when on Monday we went to a mob, INDEED, I am a tired vegetable in red and white. And to think for the most part I just 'actively' listened and took notes, but still. And to think that of all the people in my organization, I am already at the bottom quarter for tolerance for long meetings and endless days of work! (Meaning, it's been longer days and nights for the others). And to think, other colleagues still have activities tomorrow!
Tomorrow, I will think of other things :-) and take in new experiences:
1. I will to listen to the sound of rain falling on our soon-to-be new house.
2. I will daydream of each room, in that soon-to-be-new house.
3. I will go on some construction materials adventures with roomie.
4. I will accomodate her need to go on more laptop-discovery tours, or rather at this stage, they are already laptop choice-affirmation tours (hehe!).
5. And perhaps in the evening, I shall hang out with the pisces-girl somewhere cool and refreshing. (I think I want some kamias shake.)
I want to thank the good souls who have been kind and patient and loving with me this week, and lent a hand at the exact moment I needed it (yes you my cute cuddly charming and funny officemates) and those who continue to be kind and patient and loving with me, after so long :). May I in turn rise to the occasion.
And to those who are currently in the grip of their personal "lives," I wish you deep breaths, go on ... deep breaths, deep breaths, innn, ouuut, innn. If it weren't funny, it would be funny, right? Which probably means, it IS funny :D.

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