Wednesday, August 04, 2004

I should like! ;-)

I should like very much to glide down Maginoo St., in a paperboat, on the way to work. It was raining so hard. I wouldn't want to miss work because of rain. I like the people.

I should like to walk up the street, when it's cool and quiet after an afternoon of raining so much, to grab an adobo pan de sal with DD, to talk things over, but not too much. Some things can do with a little less talking over. (DD probably agrees.)

I should like to stop knitting my brows when so many people want so many things of me. Work things. I only want to put the phone down and say "Ssssshhh." (Still, I attend to the things they need when I've taken the time to unfurl my forehead.)

I should like to dab a large spot of avocado green paint on his nose just because I can.

I should like to wave my magic wand over roomie so she'll feel better enough to stand on the deck of SM Baguio (the best SM in the world, sigh) and admire the magnificent view.

I should like does not seem grammatical at all but I should like to make it so :-P (should, meaning I should because I feel like it; like because I like; I should like ;-) ). I should like to twist language to suit me.

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