Sunday, August 08, 2004

Wala lang, my life as an echo, and a visit from the goddess

How can I not but be an echo, echo, echo, surrounded as I am with witches and priestesses, and goddesses, (and samurais even), enveloped as I am in their eternal love, and ageless wisdom? Love and wisdom is in the air that we breathe, the water that we drink and the food that we partake of. ;-)

Hence, my life as an echo, echo, echo. I tend to repeat repeat repeat the things that I imbibe and understand in my efforts to practice love :-D

So I think that at any given moment, we are always faced with two choices, to go with fear or live in love. It is always a present choice, a choice with consequences rippling in ever widening circles, -- giving love now leading the way to giving more love later, and so on and so forth.

Pagmamahal was never easy, but it is so much easier than living in fear.

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