Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Deconstructing my astrocenter tarotscope

If you've been thinking about putting your romantic situation on a firmer footing, today's the time to do it, according to the Pope and Judgment. It looks as though you could get the emotional happiness and security you're looking for. Your partner's love for you is sincere and you enjoy many moments of togetherness and harmony. Don't keep hunting for the buried treasure, V - you've found it!

Problematizing Firmer Footing:
1. Stop wearing high heels.
I was wondering why I woke up tired today and I remembered I had been walking around Congress and SM in high heels yesterday.
2. Better yet, wear trainers.
I love sneakers, and trainers :D
3. Stay away from staircases and shaky ground.
Yes, I once had a bad fall down the stairs.
4. Love the firm ground.
5. Love earth.
6. Love Capricorns!
7. Love me!

Yey!!! Hahaha. ...And yes, i have many many things to do today. See you later ;-)

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