Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Ponder the strange patterns that occur.

In my organization, patterns of five, eight years ago are reappearing. It is time for resolutions, doing good, and moving on.

We live our life in ever widening circles of love, and growth, better versions of our selves.


Pounce upon the air heavy with things unsaid.
But existing still, ignored
As if they weren't there.

I want it cleared. I want the sun to shine thru. I want the air to flow.

Am done with tiptoeing softly around feelings, thoughts, hopes, careful not to hurt.

Let's cut to the chase.

Grasp the unsaid question, issue by the collar, and tell it to its face:
No means no.

I don't play games. Worse, I hate campaigns.

As parents often say, You'll thank me for this some other day.

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