Tuesday, November 09, 2004

A Weirdo Out of the Water

Am going into therapy.
I have some reservations.


I mean I'm going into group therapy class :D. At New School.

I mean I miss UP and my familiar crowd of strange creatures from outer space with the biggest kindest hearts and the bravest boldest souls.

When Dark Lord (my favorite teacher and the one who encouraged me to go to New School) learned I had gained entrance to New School she texted: “Mwahahahaha. Mwahahahaha. My minion in Catholic School.”

Hehe! We are both agreed I need the specific training for the degree I am seeking at New School. But it is a Catholic school.

And to many of us steeped in feminism and irreverence (not necessarily related all the time :D), and conscious of the sins of religions on the persons and souls of women, being in Catholic school is really being …

A weirdo out of the water!

Yup, yup, that’s me, indeed!

My last class at UP was under Dark Lord and it, too was group therapy. There were twenty of us women from all walks of life, from all sorts of ages, wearing all sorts of shoes, lugging all sorts of "baggage" and flying and falling on all sorts of wings, with beating hearts, who met up once a week every semester for our version of “group therapy.”

We had intense complex personal and heartwrenching discussions and revelations on many topics under the general topic – Gender, Culture and Ideology. We firmly bonded, us with our varied backgrounds and different takes on our mothers, on fashion and consumerism, and on being bitches even.

That is why I have reservations that my class on group therapy with its objectives of personal healing thru group interaction (learning by doing), with my nice young classmates and other “counselor types” will pale in comparison. Ahhh, but I am putting the cart before the horse.

Not a good attitude to take Ms. Psycho. (:-P but that sounds good)

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