Wednesday, February 23, 2005

permission granted

letting go is just another way to say i'll always love you soooooo ;-)

mwahahaha. inappropriate song lyric for my thoughts below but anyway....

i remember when a gf of mine -- her precious heart for pete's sake! -- was being sorely taken advantage of by this undeserving guy!!!!!! (hehehe! wala bang bastusan ng minahal?) i was soooo mad, i couldn't help myself, i intervened and gave the guy the full benefit of my opinions! ... however, when precious gf herself became mad for herself, i completely stopped being angry (oooops i think much to gf's bewilderment at that time.) i was happy that she was able to stand up for herself already, and let the anger go myself. :)

i remember when i felt another gf was hurt unduly!!!!! i was sooo mad and with me it always always shows. but a wise person said, let your gf experience this thing for herself, and learn from it what she needs to learn. so there, i too let it go, and felt much better, assured by the advice.

so now that another friend seems to be feeling better about the world, i can now allow myself to be piqued at him. hahahaha! even for just a moment or two ;-).

happy full moon in pisces, kiddies.

February 24: Full Moon in Pisces
Once again, it's time for the emotional Moon to shine her bright light on a tender issue. The topic this time will be intuition. If your antennae tell you to let something go, let it go -- no matter how difficult that might be. This full Moon is in Pisces, which means that we're all going to act according to our gut reactions. Don't argue with yourself. Listen to that voice in the back of your brain. It's time to forget facts and concentrate on what's really important.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"but a wise person said, let your gf experience this thing for herself, and learn from it what she needs to learn"

true, so true...

let them know how it feels. for it is only through knowing that they will learn.

have a nice day :)