Sunday, July 24, 2005

expanding the repertoire

speak softly but carry a big stick

hehe! my 30-second speech that left the class speechless made me pause for thought :D. my certainties make them lose their tongues, so i must regroup my various selves for a powwow.

apparently, i've imbibed this culture/ practice that when certain opinions/ events/ positions come up that are contestable, suspicious or seedy :D, one must speak up to point out :D. one can't let things just pass without comment, can one?

but i don't wanna be the official feminist police, i think! even in the face of remarks like, Filipino women being so caring and nurturing that they rush home to care for kids and household needs even when they are so busy at work is like, our cultural advantage. we're good for it.

hello?! yeah, but have you ever truly taken a good look at the faces of working mothers? can't you see they are so often stressed and worn out with no time for themselves? did you ask how it is being the heroines for such a cultural advantage? :D nowadays it's called the multiple burden, burdens being heavy difficult things, and multiple meaning many heavy difficult things.

or the one about, but aren't women secretly the real power in the family because they know ways to manipulate the men so things can go their way. hello?! if power and resources were already equally shared, then women wouldn't be forced into such a life-enhancing skill as learning to manipulate :D i mean am sure, they'd have lots of other things they could do with the time and energy that would be freed if they didn't have to manipulate. and instead were freely encouraged and enabled to make suggestions and decisions openly, without fear of reprise and reprimand.

so you get what i mean, if that makes you speechless yourself :P

i must learn to provoke thought and discussion, and not just set off the bombs, leaving merely, debris.


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