Thursday, July 07, 2005

i love psychology+

YES, it's true. I LOVE psychology.

I find all my classes interesting. I look forward to reading my readings. The discussions always make me want to go off and read further on spin-off topics. I borrow related books from the library and surf the net for more information and articles by the theorists. I wonder how the various concepts can be used and are being used in therapy, I am fascinated by the real-life therapy stories told by teachers. I want to get to know my teachers, find out how they got to be who they are (hehehe). I even take note of how they teach their classes, for in case I get to teach the same classes in the future.

I also love going on a psychological-labeling spree (pinning psycho-pathologies on each other and pointing out psych processes that we come across in daily life) with roommie, another psych major, and one of my alleged role models (hehehe!). Indeed, it becomes a daily case of a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

To be honest though, I am not yet a good student. With the load that I have, I do have to read everyday. But my absorption is still slow, sometimes I need to reread the readings to internalize them. Plus I am still learning the language and the concepts so am not yet very articulate. You know when you are starting to understand but can't say? Also, my concentration is shot when I get upset over my life. But I do have to push myself to speak out more in classes -- to maximize this moment, so to speak (and my tuition hehehe). I can't help but speak out only on those occasions when people say something i totally disagree with. Then, I get all red in the face and sputter my protest (hehehe!). I do want to experience my classes fully as this semester won't happen again :). I want to be in this now.

Still and all, it's grand. (A far cry from forcing myself to get curious about economics, hehehe. If I tried really really hard, I could get a spark. But nothing like this.)

So there. I just wanted to say. Now I have to go catch my thoughts for my thought paper due later. They're still at large. And I'm getting alarmed.

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