Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Thursday Scene

So we're in our moody-looking sala (read: with soft lighting because the fluorescent light refuses to turn on), watching/listening to tv (roommie is watching while am transfixed by my email that i resisted the entire day in order to finish my readings and my succinct one-page paper, goodie ;) ), having coffee, and getting ready to know more about marriage.

Isn't that cute? Two single women in their thirties on a Thursday night about to venture into marriage :D. It's so cute I want to say it again. Yes, we're going to learn all about marriage! Hehehe!

Technically, I am since it's my class. But as everyone within sitting distance knows, they also get to know what I manage to know in them classes.

So, I am not learning about marriage in order to get married ;) but because when one studies family and family relations, marriage is part of it.

Ah, but even without them readings, you'd be surprised. I know some things. Lol!

I used to say I could never counsel two sides of an "issue" or rather two persons involved in a situation. Too difficult! But maybe I meant, not with friends anyway.

But sometimes these days, I wonder if I would be any good at couples counseling. Would I kick the man out on the butt ;)? Hehe. But sometimes I think I could do it.

I'm sure I'll find out one of these days.

1 comment:

duds said...

marriage huh?