Sunday, August 28, 2005

gf series 1: the future of the world

gf, the future of the universe rests on your shoulders, errr, sorry, your egg :D.

you are the last woman on earth and you have two choices.

who will father your child?

a. someone who smells great but isn't too smart
b. or someone who's sooo smart but isn't too fragrant?


duds said...

One can't do without the other. I don't want a dumb kid and I especially don't want a smelly husband.

If I have to give up one, I'd rather not have a kid. Lol.

:) said...

a gf and i said, maybe a compromise is necessary. have both-- the smart one for the future of the world, and the fragrant one as your consolation.

this had us rolling on the streets ;))