Thursday, September 08, 2005


"if you're listening, that which you seek is also seeking you," so Wednesday teacher quoted someone (hahaha didn't catch who). "other people call this synchronicity," she added.

that pleased me no end because that's how i read the book Synchronicity by Joseph Jaworski I was telling you all about a few months ago. JJ talked about synchronicity happening (invisible helping hands) when you commit yourself to your truths, your goals, your dreams. you know, when in your heart of hearts, you know you want something, and then you give all of yourself, your being, to pursuing that dream, that vision, and if it is truly your truth and what you are destined to be doing, then it is as if a "ground of being" opens up that supports you, because what you are doing is part of the whole, of the dynamic interrelated universe. there is a whole new space for you and your dream.

and so we always have a part in creating the future that we want to step into :)

does that seem to make sense to you? some of the elements that i understand to be part of the above:

1. it has to be the truest of truths, not something you just want to happen so you can pass off another version of yourself

2. it has to be something to the good, something you can will do/ be, that will redound to the good of everyone

3. and this is where commitment comes in, it has to be something you really really want and thus give yourself to... so you will be supported. otherwise, if you aren't sure and you're taking one step forward and two steps back (yes and no) the energies won't know whether to support you or not.

you know, when there's no turning back ;)

was sharing all this with a friend last weekend when she was talking about dreams, and goals, and love. and i said, yup, just go right ahead and dream, and commit yourself to it. if it's the right thing for you, you'll get the support that you need.

but you don't have to take my word for it of course. (just tell me later what happens ;) )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

for a while there i thought it was tony perez writing the entry :)

have a nice day :)
