Sunday, September 11, 2005

losing my religion

my thursday teacher asked, "so class, what happens when you lose your short-term memory?"

hahaha. story of my life. she should have asked my friends. last night i recommended a pair of shoes to HB that i meant to say were in red and black but it turns out i said were in red and blue (she saved my text message!).

and just now, i asked the priestess, if she had seen her pic with ovaltine at friendster???? HAHAHAHAHA. I meant at flicker. She panicked, of course! Having someone tell you your pic with a man holding a bouquet of yellow roses is on friendster somewhere, is worlds different from having someone tell you it's on her flicker account.

or talked to my mom who roll-calls before she hits on the right kid (don-pops-joy?). or talked to my lola who does the same thing only with seven kids in all.

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