Sunday, October 02, 2005

i live with me, and i am loved :P

on a good day alone, i can get into all sorts of little ecstacies by myself (:P sounds dodgy).

like waking up after a full nine hours sleep ... (on the couch where one collapsed after staggering into the house last night) ... looking in the mirror ... and seeing one's lovely post-sleep complexion :D

like looking into one's cellphone (out of signal for the last nine hours) and seeing another interview confirmation with a research respondent (nevermind that the interview is going to be on the exact afternoon before the actual research presentation)

like after turning and tossing aside brunch options in one's head, one is able to make a yummy meal without having to go out of the house into the hot sun or expending energy indoors for less than five minutes: microwaveable spicy mexican rice from one's mother, roommie's or tita e's can of chunkee corned beef (microwaved too), one's brewed coffee, and for dessert, two sticks of tita e's french chocolate, and short sips of roommie's diet coke. and am set for the day :D

like being able to spread one's stuff around (food on one stool, readings on the other, fiolo laftaf on the coffee table, and diaries on the other tv table) without having to answer to or feel guilty for the mess

and surfing by hbo to catch jeff bridges and barbra streisand's finally found someone movie.

mmmmmmm. yummmmm.

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