Saturday, October 29, 2005

so very into


you know when you want something, anything, to turn out well, you really put yourself into it? :D

it's like an unspoken unconscious rule that we imbibed somewhere along the way. and so when something really matters to us, automatically, we put ourselves into it.

when we have work to do, and we want to do well, we really (here i go again) ... put ourselves into it :D

and when something we were responsible for didn't end up fantabulous, we know deep in our hearts it was because we didn't put ourselves into it :)

or you know how sometimes there's something we have to do, and we get all stressed out because we really want to do it, and do it well, but our plates are full, so we really can't put ourselves into it. and we hate that (i know i do).

and so, too with relationships. how will friendships prosper (the ones we want to prosper anyway) if we don't really put ourselves into the friendships? no, they won't, not really. well at least, my best friendships are the ones where i am most me, i am in it. or for instance, parenting. if we don't take the time, it's not going to happen.

put that way, it's so simple pala. hahahaha ;))

it's like cleaning house. it's never going to get REALLY clean if you don't get down and dirty. it gets as clean as the effort and expertise you put into it.

and so i've realized, that's also what being in the moment means. you have to be in your moment, to make that moment count :D

i know that when i play hooky, i have to make sure i am very into playing hooky that time or else it won't work. i'd have missed class/work, and not enjoyed the escape as much, having been plagued by guilt.

so anyway, things -- work, relationships, this very second, life -- only work out well pala if we are really into it :D hahahaha.

i mean i knew that, but not quite :P

p.s. and this is also why, when we've put ourselves into it and it didn't work, then we get our hearts broken. it hurts more than if we hadn't. but at least, we did, and we'll have less what-if's. other than, what if we hadn't put ourselves into it? hehehe.

1 comment:

duds said...

I can hear Iyanla there somewhere hehehe.