Tuesday, November 01, 2005

the way i cook ;)

being ever-ready Capricorn person, the thought of a long holiday makes me think of food shortages or closed shops, and sends me to the grocery queues with a full cart.

hence, last sunday's shop that included a packet of chicken drumsticks, and sinigang mix, as i thought i'd experiment with tita eds' not-so-secret fried chicken recipe. so too with the packet of pork chops, as i remembered roommie's pride in marinating-- she said, just a bit of calamansi and salt, then grill them! and the two long bitter gourds, with the matching spicy vinegar for a salad.

back at home i settled down to crumpling old receipts, sorting papers, and working towards the general aim of a new life, and a clean(er) household. but ate joan got bored, and asked to prepare the ampalaya. after a while, ensconced in the middle of papers, i asked, why doesn't she go ahead and do the chicken, in her Mana's tradition, to which she smilingly agreed? mwah, it was a yummy well-rounded dinner indeed :D.

yesterday, i asked ate v to buy food, forgetting for a minute the invitation for an intimate lunch at shakey's, where i joyfully slurped a super chocolate shake, mmmm.

today, roommie and i finally find each other in the same place-- our house, after months of meeting in the hallway and communicating thru text. i put out the porkchops to thaw, cooked rice, went upstairs for a while. hours later, i come down and roommie is taking out some spicy sauce to marinate the pork chops.

moi: di mo matiis? (grin)
roommie: oo

and hence, that is the way i cook :D. with a lot of good intentions, without much effort, and a healthy appetite.


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