Sunday, January 29, 2006

Becoming Athena

Or the making of the stalker sisterhood :P

I'm currently fascinated with the Athena angel card in my angel deck. It says:
"It is safe for you to be powerful. You know how to be powerful in a loving way that benefits others as well as yourself."

It echoes Gracie in the discussion we had before Christmas when she said, power, per se, is not a bad thing. I was arguing that some forms and practices of power were better than others, and she was asking if I was saying that power is bad? I guess she is right.

It affirms my recent thought that we women do have power, and we need to step into our power. We need to become Athena.

We women give our power away all the time. ALL THE TIME. Consciously and unconsciously. We do it when we let others make the decisions for us. We do it when we let others run the whole show when in fact we have many essential things to contribute. And in fact, could make things very different, and in many ways, better, if we also let ourselves run the show, now and then.

I give my power away every time I wail, does that mean he doesn't like me? Because whether or not he or she likes me is not the point :). I am me anyway, and that's what I ought to focus on. It would be great to be liked back, but feeling bad if someone doesn't like you back is giving away my power. It's giving away my power over my wellbeing, my self-esteem, and my responsibility for myself.

And giving away power is totally losing by default. Because as Athena says, let's run that by us again, women know how to be powerful in a loving way that benefits others as well as themselves. We also need to lead.

Because when I say we need to be aware of, accept and exercise our power, I don't mean we abuse this power in order to manipulate or abuse others, or use power for egoistic ends, or just to have our own way, *stamp foot*. But rather, for us to exercise power for what we feel and know is best for us and others. To use our power to actively love ourselves and others.


Over lunch of kimchi and spicy beef stew, a gf and I hatch our project, a secret society of sorts, the sisterhood of stalkers. Hehehe! Rather, gf wants to make *some deserving person* secretly happy. Make him/ her feel liked and special (as he or she is). As we drew up the plan, we cackled and giggled in glee, and clapped our hands in anticipation.

And we agree, women need to step into their Athena selves.


Becoming Athena includes allowing ourselves to love all those whom we love, and to be loved back.

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