Sunday, March 26, 2006

awantin' some sweet lovin' ;)

astrodienst: A perfect balance **
This influence is favorable for sexual relationships and for all kinds of creative activity. It symbolizes the perfect balance between your need to be yourself and your need to relate to another. But this influence is strongly physical rather than psychological in its effects. A purely romantic relationship with no physical sex would not be very satisfactory, but such a relationship is not likely to occur during this time. Your erotic fantasies will certainly be stimulated, and women or men whom you would not usually look at twice seem much more attractive now. In fact you need to have a certain amount of discretion, lest you get involved in a totally inappropriate relationship. But again this influence is not usually that compulsive.

The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Mars Trine Venus exact at 20:40
activity period from 24 March 2006 to 28 March 2006.

A Smile and A Gentleness

There is a smile and a gentleness
inside. When I learned the name

and address of that, I went to where
you sell perfume. I begged you not

to trouble me so with longing. Come
out and play! Flirt more naturally.

Teach me how to kiss.
On the ground
a spread blanket, flame that's caught

and burning well, cumin seeds browning,
I am inside all of this with my soul.

Translator: Coleman Barks

Futureminders: Emotions tend to find the right balance now, although they are anything but static. Passion is an enjoyable experience today, especially with one who shares your desire for pleasure. You can make a good, physical connection with someone at this time as you attract a strong individual who likes to take the lead. You know how to harmonize with whomever you are with so that you can get the most out of whatever he or she has to offer.

Some Kiss We Want

There is some kiss we want with
our whole lives, the touch of

spirit on the body. Seawater
begs the pearl to break its shell.

And the lily, how passionately
it needs some wild darling! At

night, I open the window and ask
the moon to come and press its

face against mine. Breathe into
me. Close the language- door and

open the love window. The moon
won't use the door, only the window.

Translator: Coleman Barks

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