Wednesday, July 26, 2006

random rules for school

1. Please don't touch my ... post-its/posts-it(? hehe)!!!! Especially the ones stuck on pages of (photocopied) books, they are precious for ... sentimental value (no, really :D, yes definitely)... and also because after one takes the time, no, the tiiiiiime to read and understand long teeeeexts, and marks important passages with ink and post-its, ... there's no repeating the process. Unless it's marked, I wouldn't know a significant part from all the rest, and there's all the other subjects I have to take where I will need to remember/ take note of one sentence. Hehe.

2. Keep apples in the fridge at all times. Yes, apples can keep you awake and ensure a safe and easy time in the toilet the next day even if you feel your cells have absorbed all the water in the air from lack of sleep, and bloated you to the size of the universe. Yes, a boyfriend once told me (several times) that I exaggerate. Hehe.

3. Have a blog. So even if your gazillion reading, research and writing hours never see the light of day in a respectable academic journal/ publication what have you that's judged by the jury of your peers, you're published. And read without judgment by your peers. Well, hopefully. Hehe.

More rules, later.

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