Monday, August 21, 2006

is it safe? part 2

is it safe for me to cook in your presence :D?

NO! no way! :D get outta my sight! :D i embark on my kitchen adventures alone!in the middle of the night when the kitchen's all clear! that way if it doesn't taste good, the evidence will have been discarded by morning! :P

but here's the evidence for the happy-kind-of-ending :D

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and no, i didn't eat it all by myself :D

rooommieee: namiiiit! this is how i like my chicken macaroni.

ate jo: ansaraaaap!!!!

dd via text: namit! just my kind of mac! thanks!
dd, still: buti na lang pumayag (insert name of officemates here) na akin na lang lahat at banana-q na lang sa kanila!

(hehe! i apologize in advance for not so tactful publication of texts here :D but i have to give you credit for enumerating the magic list of ingredients! thanks, d ;))

am GLAD.

but i might not do it again anytime soon as it like took me all night!!!! it took all night to mince the onions, and "ouido" the taste since i had no idea of the portions.

my brave conclusion: if you have mastered the art of making great sawsawan, you can ouido mostly anything :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

will be happily away during cooking:)