Tuesday, July 10, 2007

autistic rush

here i am again in this too-familiar dance. the minute hand tells me it's nine dashes past the hour of two and the bank closes at three and i need to go and deposit in a bank but as yet belong to the ranks of the great unwashed. unwashed and writing still, with 50 minutes to go, ah the clock never stops ticking. but the difference is that unlike yestday, today i have already the cash with me and simply need to put it into the good hands of the other bank.

but i wanted to dash off a few words ...

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of excitement to rudie! you must read this little story of how amy tan joined a rock band of other writers (lead vocals: stephen king) and got on a bus and went on tour and dressed up as a dominatrix, and sang, complete with whip, "these boots are made for walking..."

oh what fun. i love it. :D

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she loved learning to have fun with a family of friends because she didn't get to have much of it as a kid.

this is why i believe that the psychodynamic/ psychoanalytic approach has a place on earth :D. no matter how "in the know" we are, we have unconscious forces and motivations that drive us ... and we always seek balance in our energies.

hence, that one-of-the-few-good-men turned relationship-cheat. or gfs who love to shop, i can sense the delight in being able to enjoy what was inaccesible before. or a beloved turning to drink and male revelries. there are some forces hidden from us or that we are hiding from that serve to motivate our actions, and fuel our lives. say, it isn't so, it isn't so. hehe.

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i am exploring the realm of narrative psychology because i am looking for a little more excitement for my thesis-to-be; to do something different from what i've done so far. and for someone who loves to read and writes to save her life, how can i miss narrative psychology. that which seeks to understand how in writing and talking, one gets to understand one's self.

in fact, tins, wouldn't that be what blogging is all about? so i still think you should still do your thesis, and getting unsolicited advice from me is a sure sign of my friendship :D

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and talking of friendship, it drives me nuts sometimes that we are out of touch :D. hindi ako mapakali na hindi kita makausap. it's just that even when we are in touch, you refuse to be in touch with me in the way that i would like to be in touch with you. and so there. here i am. hahaha.

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two new elements in my closeted life (closeted from most of the world): my room is clear. hahaha. my dresser is space defined. my table is free of stuff. and no, there are no stuff piled on the floor.

and all day all night, i live with jazzy music from dream fm.


roar said...

where'd you read bout rockers amy tan and stephen king? is there also a video? :P


slowie said...

ang galing! gusto ko 'to, siz. another thought to ponder on.

meanwhile, i can't wait to get my hands on amy tan's book of essays!

maghahanap ako sa library ;-)

slowie said...

i keep forgetting to ask...eula can i link this blog?


chitterch** said...

my thesis will live... through yours!!!! and all the thesises(theses?) that will feature human stories and human narratives.

*sigh* i love stories.