Tuesday, August 21, 2007


when i let my eyes roam our sala, i can see at least three things that are askew. you know the phrase "has really opened up the space"? oh yes! i am so reveling in our space made new by pulling stuff around and putting things askew :D.

i decided i could no longer stand The Way Things Were. it was ugly.

first, i started in my bedroom. i closed the door and pulled my bed to the other side of the room. oh, wait. we're talking about a queen semi-poster bed here so i made it skate over and around, on cloth trapo.

oooh, it really opened up the space :D.

i can now totally live in/ enjoy the huge window as it's now THERE instead of just there. i also took steps to get myself a proper desk, the one i've always wanted, a big one that's shorter than standard :D. i don't have it yet but in my heart i have it already, hehe.

taking advantage of a few nights of having the sala to myself, i've spent two nights pulling things around. after the first night when i was only half-done, i went to sleep at five am, expecting to be awakened at six by our kasama's shriek at finding the sala in chaos, looking like it was ransacked. hehe. she survived the shock, i stayed in sleep.

for now i am done :D.

this is the reason why i didn't have things fitted/ fixed. i was sure that at some point i would die from not being able to move things around.

it's so amazing how life is made new by recreating a space. it's unbelievable. i can work again. i can live my life again.


slowie said...

hay eula, kanami sang mga ginasulat mo! sigh. :P can just imagine your elation over the window that's now THERE instead of just there. hehehe. love it sweetie, and can totally relate. :P

:) said...

sister slowie! :D one big thanks!

today i've been thinking about rugs. you know how it pulls things together? hahahaha! i don't have the big rug/ mat i have in mind but it has come to my notice/ imagination, that it can totally define a space. hahaha! :D

i've also been toying with words to describe the weird and wonderful sala. something like "animal warmth". or "animal! warm!" hahahaha. it's because of the bright colors and the fact that the tv is now sitting on the two animal-print box whateverthey'recalled.

hihi. i can't wait for more photos of your place. you're the artist! :D

now let me post this before the internet dies on me again due daw to a cable from taiwan being nibbled by galunggong. :D

Anonymous said...

galunggong: namit man ang cable?

weird and wonderful sala nga. kung may plants pa gid pwede na jungle cool. :P

Leah said...

i like the pink square thing! pretty!