Monday, August 13, 2007


in the last week!

classes attended: one, with quiz (to give it weight)

related materials "read": one thesis, one book, 3 journal articles (does it count that i purposely read all last four in one day to improve my stats? ehehehe)

"clients": two counselees, and one cancelled testing referral (which makes it two haha!)

movies seen: 5! ooops! but it's only because it's cinemanila :D

bottles of beer on (intestinal) wall: 3 and 1 mojito

loads of laundry: four! but that's because i super multi-classify according to color, and type of material hihi

dish cooked: oooh, did a mean pork binagoongan! yummmeeeeh. i have to toot my own horn, no one else has tasted it. hahaha!

resolutions for the week ahead: 75 million :D

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