Wednesday, June 18, 2008

inconsequential biggies

1. MY CURRENT FAVORITE FOOD are saba (oh yes, go boiled bananas! hehehe), spaghetti (this is a newbie, as in I crave spaghetti with red sauce), yogurt shake, wheat bread, rice! Yes! Go carbs! Hahahaha. Nah, I just have a newfound appreciation and respect for rice after being not into it for a bit. Most things are good in moderation, and especially good after deprivation. Hihihi.

2. MY NEW HAPPY SECRET THING (unless you read this blog, or you're my friend who shouted my name from a tricycle last week) is long walks around the village on late afternoons. Very happy. Very nice before the June solstice. It gets dark so late. Very calm it makes me feel, air pollution, street crime and all. Hehe.

3. MY NEW NOTHAPPY SECRET THING (unless you read this blog) is crying myself to sleep at night for things that come to mean the most (emotionally) in the dark in bed.

4. MY OTHER SECRET THING is dancing to Persephone when I'm alone, dancing like Ellen Degeneres, hehehe.

5. MY CURRENT/LONGTERM ADDICTION is scrabulous and scramble on facebook. So fun!

6. MY BEST MOMENT IN THE LAST 7 DAYS was a counseling "moment" with this girl. Yes!

7. I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO becoming the "secret woman" I catch glimpses of now and then as the hours blur into days and the days into weeks. The one who's responsible for herself, in all senses of the wor(l)d.

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