Monday, December 01, 2003

today's vital signs

funniest text message received: "... had tilapia and egglant salad for lunch. why are they feeding you amargoso?" (hihihihi, not your fault DD, i did sorta design that exchange but it was too funny a thought... funders feeding amargoso :-D)

most appreciated vegetable: amargoso

outrage: that utterly vague utterly long meeting with a funder (warning! warning! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! exasperated Capricorn in the vicinity! might start throwing rocks if provoked enough!)

hey, goodlooking: bruce and his new haircut ... boyfriend! ;-)

hey, pretty: hippie rudie in her fashion statement skirts! you go girlfriend.

nice surprise: greasy sugared doughnut for only P1.25 (bakery beside jsouth). it rocks!

mood meter: bornot but happy! had a look, no rocks!

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