Thursday, April 15, 2004

At a fastfood joint over ziti and chicken romano, one SM shopping bag each (shirts on sale)
Capricorn: Guess what gf!?!
Aquarius: What?!
Capricorn: You actually finally have the teeshirts (normal tees with sleeves) you've always dreamed of.
C and A: Hahahaha!

The silliest pettiest detail actually being one of the profoundest things of all.

It means that I know and understand how Aquarius is tired of being seen as a sexy woman, as just a sexy woman. That sometimes she wants to cover up her sexy self in neutral tee shirts to stop being noticed or treated as merely an object. That she often wants this something fierce but this desire co-exists at any given moment with her natural joy and enjoyment in looking good, in looking great. And many's the time, we've attempted to shop for neutral clothes but end up getting something else that makes her look yummy. Still.

But last night, tee shirts. In all the colors of summer :-D

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