Monday, April 26, 2004

Soul Sister Conversations

The phrase "the mundane and the divine" is actually from soul sister on fire, Ms. Morgaine.

We had been talking about, love :-D. What a more complete "romantic" love connection should include. We thought how many relationships start from attraction and sex. Some ignite from intellectual conversations. Others are borne of emotional attachments. Then when the two people change, grow, the one other person is left behind or the two extend into different directions.

Perhaps if two are united and excited on many different levels at the same time, from the start, there would be a more complete and more fulfilling interaction. Things mundane like never forgetting to buy coffee (or else!!) or even saving up water in the summer when taps run dry.

Or, beyond the tastiest bedroom adventures and the most exciting discussions on how things should be run around here, things divine like a body massage (hehe!), and a shared silent prayer.

Hence, the mundane and the divine. After all, us little devils and occasional angels will have our rants and our moments of great wisdom.

Last Saturday, soulful living kept cropping up in yet another long conversation of the sisters of Avalon (:-P).

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