Monday, April 26, 2004

Maya Marches

Libra gf forwarded me a list of feminist jobs with this short note - ewan ko ba bakit forward ako ng mga ganito sa yo eh ayaw naman kitang umalis ng UP Village. he he he.

GF, am so glad you're in washington this weekend, marching for my condoms, among other things :-). Wanna be there too ;-) but since i'm not (and after all, we are also walking the walk and talking the talk here where condoms+++ are just as important and a million times more scarce), walk an extra step there just for me, gf! Am with you, and everyone who knows and does that "women are people." (Including the men :D.)

...And that anytime and everytime is not always the right time to have babies... And and that everyone wants a chance at having the babies they want in the best possible conditions... And and and that the best possible conditions include, when there is love, time, and money, for everyone including the kids already living.

O ye all who profess to know better than women what should be good for women, you have this to think about. It's this thing bandied about for the last century or so. Step into hershoes you priests and keepers of morality and the faith, and live her life. then perhaps, you too would know.

But really, gf, can't wait for you to get back so I can tell you about My Intuitive Reading at Runes Cafe :D. And listen to your stories!!!

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