Monday, May 03, 2004

Buddha blessed moon

Major solar and planetary alignments take the day off just before we reach one of the main Full Moons of the year -- what's called the Buddha Festival or Wesak -- scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. Thus, even though there is a cosmic lull of sorts, intensity is still building hour after hour. Creative, artistic juices are flowing in the morning -- thanks to the Moon in Libra trining Venus in Gemini (1:06AM PDT) and Mars in Gemini (9:50AM PDT). This latter time begins a void lunar cycle lasting until 1:40PM PDT when the Moon dives into the passionate pools of Scorpio Moon. The sleuth within takes over once the Scorpio Moon begins in earnest. Ferret out secrets relating to your family tree or learn more about ancient places of magic and mystery. Research, library work, psychological studies and investigations of almost any kind make sense right now. The evening builds to a Moon-Uranus trine in water signs (11:51PM PDT). Let your intuition guide your intellect, logic and commonsense.

from Yahoo astrology (hehe!)

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