Sunday, June 06, 2004

in the stones

Here's some of what my rune reading on the 21st of May had to say.

That this is a period to learn to be self-reliant. To try not to give and receive help, to not reach out, to not be abused. To keep to myself for a while. This was the theme, and the runes say that this is important.

(So if anyone notices that I've been keeping out of your hair lately, this is it. Not a bad thing. Just my For Now.)

Paradoxically, the runes also said that I should be alone in crowds, and not by myself in my room. I write this up because one of my most peaceful, happiest moments lately was lying in the hammock -- a most splendid comfy duyan -- at Terra Rikka, reading Josephine B., and listening to my colleagues drink, sing and carouse (laughing by myself at their jokes! hihihi) at the next table. To be in company and yet not be company!

Also, I have noticed that I tend to be happier at home when roomie is around somewhere. Or if I know that am going to go out and breathe different air with a friend at some point in the day, rather than have the whole day to myself (even though I need to sit down and write a gazillion documents, and for this I need to be alone for long stretches :-D. Or get a laptop and work at a coffee shop, and get mugged on the way home. Hehehe!).

Other stuff that came up, noted down here in a rush of words: lovelife (what you sow you reap, so you sow good, reap good in a year), female authority figures are good (follow what your boss has to say), yes there is enough resources in the family on the matter of houses, there's going to be strange communication from someone from your past (hmmm, did that just happen yesterday. maybe?), partnership with someone but not about love will be fab.

Corrections and additions might come care of the owner of the lost and found green notebook :D

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