Friday, June 04, 2004

TMaTD Friday

The Divine

Had a date this am ;-).

With one of the only two (or four?) people in the world who can summon me across Metro Manila on a Friday morning (not on time though, hehe!). Daddy-O.

GRIN. Spent a few hours on updates on the Towers of the Philippines and their various antics -- the comic, the tragic, and the heartwarming. As anyone from a large, extended family knows, it's always a bit Isabel Allende's House of the Spirits-like, very magic realism.

[aside: and having just recently emerged, blinking, from the years of the French Revolution via part one of the fictionalized version of Josephine Bonaparte's diaries, life is always a bit the same through the centuries!]

The Mundane

1. Do I eat oatmeal before a party? Am sooo hungry, and I love milky oatmeal on a cold rainy day. But dinner-party's starting in an hour!!!

TMaTD: hmmm this is not healthy behavior ... (talking about TMaTD clicking activities :-P)
TMaTD: fax who cares ... (gives up on self-judgment, indulges anyway)
thevelvetd: there's no such thing as snooping on the internet ... (supportive)
This is how stalkers are created.

3. Oh, and my copy of the Da Vinci Code is lying desolate in the postal office. I just got the notice today. It awaits me! (thanks to the kind Capricorn soul who sent it :-) ). Your rewards will reverberate from this lifetime to the next ;-).

P.S. hehe!

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