Friday, June 25, 2004

Just bloomin' ;-)

Hihihihi. Am such a! Such a distracted pansy ! Such a head in the clouds woman! If you need me, or need me to do something for you, you better trip me so I can glance up, and go, "huh? oh yes! you wanted the ..." And I bet, I'd be happy to do it for you :D, and hopefully, I don't lose the strand of ... doing ... it.

Oh, I'm a happy Viola ... for the most part. ... Oh, ok, I admit it. I AM a happy Viola. Grin. There's just no explanation. Well, there is ... but it's not really THE explanation ... am really just happy... Like an internet addict floating from link to link, getting mesmerized (word of the month), oohing, ahhing, soaking it all in, and going my way merrily again, with no direction in mind ... But yes, I am an internet addict. Hehehe!

After a refreshing trip last week, I had some TRULY BORNOT days, where I am so glad for you if you did not cross my path at all (hehehe!). It was so bad it reminded me of when I was young and Capricorn, instead of 30++ and Capricorn :-D.

Then I started the week with a list of Things To Do, all very good intentions. But then, there came Another List of Things To Do, not of my doing, but that's just the way it is. So now I end the week with my Original List of Things To Do, having had to do The Other List of Things To Do. But what the heck, I don't really care. What I mean is, I don't really mind it :D. There is still the weekend to do some doing.

In the meantime, I surf and blog, and I am happppppy.

When a period is not punctuation.
The Priestess has this thing when she hears/ feels something "pop" (oh, it's not for me to really explain about this "pop" ;-)) each month, and it feels some kind of alay, an achy feeling that's not painful but is uncomfortable, as if a part of you is tired and just wants to crawl under the sheets in a cool airconditioned room (but then again we can't really have parts of ourselves going off to sleep, can we, leaving other parts behind??? Unless we were manananggals or something?).

So about two weeks ago, I felt this "alay" feeling somewhere in my abdominal area, and the Priestess and I guessed that this must mean that in two weeks, I was getting my period. I mean I've certainly felt this feeling before, but am only noticing it now, what with the Priestess and her "poppings" (hehehe!).

Yesterday, I got my period. And today, I woke up to a cellphone reminder, saying simply, "Period." A reminder I set two weeks ago when I felt that feeling.

Wala lang :-D. The wonders of being in touch with one's body.

Jolly Meal
Like this afternoon, I got REALLY hungry. Hehehe! But we were in the middle of a mob (a rally, if you will... a protest-action... a traffic hazard... or an expression of one's politics... or standing up to the subversion of the will of the people! so there! hahaha ;-)) so it wasn't the thing to disappear in the middle of the noise barrage, and pop (:-D) into the nearest Jollibee, the one at the corner of the spot on which we were so mobilized.

But anyway, after the mob, we did go into the Jollibee, and once again I was a happy Viola with my jolly hotdog and chocolate ice cream shake, and a regular glass of diet coke. Hahaha! (and a table full of jolly officemates ;-) too)

Life is often such pure wonder ;-)!

And a diary, too.
Oh, and after all this blogging, got this urge some days ago to dig out my green journal from someone from years ago and start scrawling away... you know, with ink and all, the old-fashioned way ;-).

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