Monday, September 06, 2004

Geee Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Originally uploaded by Pansy.

Witches Watch Over It

I am amazed at my SPEEDY laser printer HP Laserjet 1010. Faster than you can say green mangoes and bagoong, it spurts out a printed page.

It's brand new. The last one assigned to me, an HP flatbed model [in fact it was a printer-demotion but I got a room to myself in exchange for the use of a cranky printer] had to be caressed into printing-readiness, and didn't spurt out pages as much as it chewed them up. Its speed induced sleep and muscle cramp as I had to press down on the cover so it would budge.

The latter printer finally went back to printer-purgatory during our last Mercury retrograde cycle.

And today, exactly eight years after I started working in this activist organization, I print my first page.

Yet again.

Sniffing the Air
I am also entranced by the air. Ang bango ng room ko. An Aquarian ex-officemate has just left, leaving traces of his perfume.

He is laughing though he "wants to die."* And his perfume laughs still.

*not literal :-D

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