Thursday, September 02, 2004

Three Postcards

Postcard #1

[In warm pink and aqua blue :D (my favorite colors)]

I try to take one day at a time/
But sometimes several days attack me at once

[extremely appropriate quote like you wouldn't believe :p]

Dear J,
We’re off to Japan in a few hours! … Will try to get in touch. Since you’re into pinks (and blues!) thought you might like this postcard. Take care and take on day at a time! Love, Mum

Postcard #2
Dear J, You’ll love Japan! Not only is sashimi here aplenty but it also seems to be full of C look-a-likes! Each day is an adventure, foodwise. Went to Kobe yesterday and to Kyoto today. Kyoto offers a more traditional experience of Japan – we saw a geisha or two, a shrine or two. Hilarious experience in a traditional Japanese restaurant where we ended up with a funny mix of food and T’s legs going dead as we sat on tatami mats. Off to Tokyo on Friday. Take care. Love, M and D and T

Postcard # 3
[in pink ink. This might likely be a hereditary disease hehehe :-p]
Hi sister! Wow Japan is ace! I was amazed by the geisha in Kyoto. I was like jumping around in excitement “it’s just like my book!!!” I’ve tried sushi but I didn’t like it :-( Blurgh.

The shops are cool, I love the clothes :-)

The guys look funny here – they have very 80s ‘new romantics’ hair. I saw this guy that looked just like C yesterday! Lol.

Going to Tokyo and Hiroshima sometime. I’m tired as I have to stay up till 2 am to call Maggot. Yawn. Love you, Duni xx

Wahahahaha! :D Cheered me up no end!

P.S. Back to original version :-P

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