Monday, January 10, 2005

heart thanks

Am thankful to all those who specifically wished me all that my heart desires :D

The hitch is that currently i really don't know what exactly my heart desires. It is lost in thought and half-formed half-dissolving desires and prefers to go to sleep before midnight.

It only offers clear instructions about food trips, like last Saturday's to Breakfast at Antonio's, Tagaytay.

My Spanish Fritatas. Frightfully good ;-)

Thanks to this cute couple for the treat.

Happy Anniv! It's good to share January 8 with you.

And thanks too to all those who know who they are. Hehe!

P.S. There's a New Moon today full of good intentions :D

January 10: New Moon in Capricorn
This new Moon shines in Capricorn, a logical, persistent
earth sign that's very concerned with achievement. Put
these two forces together, and you've got a special celestial
opportunity to realize your highest ambitions. Start
planning to take over the world (or at least your little
piece of it) now, and the practical, efficient influence of
this new Moon will give a little rocket fuel to your
take-off. Just be prepared to hold onto another important
Capricorn quality as you see your plans through --
patience. It's a virtue, remember?

This new Moon will especially influence those of you born
under the cardinal signs, particularly Libras born October
10-14, Capricorns born January 9-13, Aries born April 7-11
and Cancers born July 10-14.

I think love also means "worrying" about the state of mind and spirit of your friends. Wala lang, sometimes I find myself second-guessing where beloved creatures are at :-) (and i mean girls :P)

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