Thursday, January 06, 2005

rituals: endings and beginnings

I've had a reflective (and food-happy hihihi) past few days, and am in a good spot on my mountain goat's climb (truly i am a pig slash mountain goat mwehehehehehe). It is sunny but cool on this spot!

I want to salute (*salutes* hehe) my favorite people on the web's rituals for ending 2004 and beginning 2005. Click the links and read more. It's never too late :-D.

1. the desire for a brown dog, and other such relevant things.

"on new years eve, keri and i sat by the fire, and made a list of 100 things about ourselves. the goal was for them to come out as quickly as possible, and completely devoid of thought. well, not devoid of thought, but the intent was for them not to be premeditated. a stream of consciousness if you will. though a rather long read, my list is below [above]. why i feel compelled to post this list here, is rather a mystery to me, but such it is."

2. Find the post entitled Let Go,
1 January 2005

"After the stroke of midnight, after we hooted and hollered and blew our horns, after we exchanged "Happy New Year"s and "I love you"s with our families via cell phone, after we clinked glasses brimming with champagne, we each grabbed a balloon and went outside.

Earlier, we'd made lists of fears, anxieties and issues we wanted to let go of this year. We rolled each scrap of paper into a tiny scroll and tied them to the balloons.

3. Andrea made a list and placed it in a bottle.

4. Ala found 5 words or phrases to sum up 2004

5. And lastly Gingmaganda listed out 100 things she is thankful for in 2004. Hehe, I like her list! I initially wanted to make one but copped out, I would incriminate myself too much or feel too guilty! Wahahaha.

Happy growing! Lean towards the sun!

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