Friday, January 21, 2005


It was funny how in the smoky bar, Cancer gf and I kept tilting heads and nodding eyebrows in agreement over many many things. Went with the sound “uhhhm,” but with the jazz music it was really all head nodding and eyebrow action. In the almost darkness.

One, we agreed (and I lifted my bottle to her in salute) that yes, I had no right to disturb her wallowing in her moment of sorrow and disappointment by pointing out the good things in her future (particularly that moment in her future when she will look back at this moment, and remember this sorrow so fondly and affectionately like a dear benighted friend).

Two, when she asked about this guy who breezed by last week whom I found charming, and I said, nah he’s not gonna “work” ‘coz he’s got criterias, we nodded heads once more. There’s no love to be found in criteria. True, it helps to know what you would appreciate but love is not a job application process. You see a person’s pathos, a person’s joy. You love a person. That’s it.*

Three, we each brought up work but nodded once, twice in agreement to postpone the discussion.

Often, we nodded in between conversations and confessions, knowing where the other is.

When we were not nodding, we were talking about stuff other people other matters that we haven’t placed our hearts and souls in, so.

Beside us, Aquarius gf jotted down things in the dark, so too absorbed.

*It can also mean a committed relationship if in settling with one's self one decides for love to involve a relationship or marriage. But then again, one can also decide to marry for convenience. The same gf, two weeks ago, dipping her hand into a bag of Chippy said that she could probably live with marrying for convenience. :P

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