Sunday, February 27, 2005

Stuff a Capricorn takes to the Pool

1. self-help book for class
2. tortillos and potato chips, the ones we forgot to take to tagaytay
3. sunblock, goggles, shampoo, soap, lotion
4. sarong for the recliner
5. pen and paper
6. drinking water
7. moolah
8. change of undies, and clothes

Hahaha. The last one for the edification of friends. I dug it out the other night after a barrage of emails on the high school egroup about our erstwhile prom song.

Anyway, I loved the day at the pool.

We were the only ones by it, in it.
I did so feel I needed some exercise and swim, I did! 'Twas good! Great! Particularly because we got to the pool earlier this time, and the sun was still good.

It was funny how the pool would fill with leaves every time a breeze shook a nearby tree. Poor Ramon had his work cut out for him this "autumn".

It was funny how we kept convincing Ramon that the pool would overflow! It did look like it! But he paid us no heed!

It was funny how we sang all the nice love songs we could think of. I did every time I came up for air!

It was funny how we were -- sat or dozing by the recliners with books, swimming, munching, singing.

Ahhh, the good Saturday life.


duds said...

Still think they have that song wrong. it had nothing to do with Times of your life. Or I may have the worst memory of all. Wasn't it a Karen Carpenter song?
Have offers to go to Boracay 2nd wk of March. I need it but I dont know if the purse will permit it - hehehe.
Would rather go to London. (Kick me will u?)

:) said...

no way! you do it yourself (kick yourself) too often :)

i would go to Boracay or Baguio in a minute but it's end of sem March and i lab school (hehe). Let's meet up in Bora in May and visit mother Y and her two Y babies, what you tink?