Thursday, June 16, 2005


1. It's only in relationship that you find out quite repeatedly that yes, you, too are an evil person. Eat dirt, so there.

2. Have you ever liked someone so much that you literally have days when you just want to follow them around? (I HAVE).

3. Have you ever missed someone you liked so much that when you couldn't get in touch with them your scowl made the kanto dog howl in hurt, and thunder crackled in the background? (I HAVE but the thing is I'm scared of thunder.)

4. Have you enough percentage brat and evil person that when sometimes you miss someone you like so much, you quarrel with them first chance that you get, without really meaning to, just because you missed them? (Ahh, now we're talking)

FINE! (not) FINE! (not) FINE! (not).

5. The thing is, when people are beginning to like each other, they ought to cancel some flowers and chocolates in favor of first aid kits and life preservers. Here goes, I have sharp edges and can poke you in the eye. Try to survive. In the end, I'll thank you for it.

CRASH! There went my self-erected halo again. Dang it.

PS Thanks to all the kind souls who have offered to take me to the doctor. I have been feeling ghastly, 'tis true.

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