Sunday, June 19, 2005

my schoolgirl days

i even dress the part.


been running around my corner of qc in jeans/skirts, tanktops, hoodies, sneakers and bookbag all week.

hoodie and socks because i've been quite sick. i've only been mustering up enough energy to drag myself to my most important errands and to school. bookbag because i still have work, because i've been sick, so i've been lugging some papers around.

i've even gotten whiffs of that classic student-feeling: oh no, class again today. LOL. don't get me wrong. I am SO GLAD to be going to school. but it's kinda strange to be going to classes four days a week. i definitely AM a school girl already.

i have even BEEN to the library. spent four hours there. got my housemate to give me the tour since i've never been to this school library. we went home with 7 books: boy, those books were HEAVY! that tired me out so much, i went right to sleep on the couch after coming in the door. hehe.

i have four different teachers. i have loads of classmates -- we have big graduate classes, from 17 to 20 people a class, that's a lot. am glad for the mix this semester though, have more people of more ages, from more fields.

there are soooo many pretty girls at school (including me hahahaha). hehe! if i were a guy, i'd be in love every day. hehehehe.

what else? i have to learn to commute to school some days. too many getting-off-and-ons though. that's my excuse this week.

the 12-unit load isn't a joke though. i already have loads to read, and i want to do advance reading because my head's first language still isn't psychology. (it's love. hehe! i mean women and development.)

for one class we need to get to know an "abnormal" person and write up his/her story. because teach wants us to learn understanding. guess who i thought of? hehe!

for another class, we are going to spend time at either the terminal ward of a children's hospital or with some seminarians in far-away tagaytay. but we're not supposed to seduce the seminarians. ok, ok, children's hospital it is! hehe.

wish me luck and a new pair of sneakers (the other one gave out on thursday ;)) ).

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