Sunday, June 26, 2005

true love

you know the drill, you noypi you. you weren't really planning to stay up half the night. but then they brought you the videoke machine. still, you weren't really planning on staying the whole entire time. BUT they brought out the karaoke machine. ... and YOU, yes you noypi you, you CAN'T resist the songs. it's not genetically possible. no matter if you weren't the one holding the mic, no matter if you almost never held the mic or chose a song. still the songs kept coming and you were stuck in that room, standing or sitting, it doesn't matter, but singing.

yes, singing, under your breath or with ten others singing screaming. even if the lyrics went against all reason (from here to eternity???!!!!???!), still the songs kept coming and you were singing, and soon, it was three am.


i really only take the videoke plunge with people i truly love, either because i know they will accept me no matter if i shame them with my singing, or i love them no matter what they will think of me! (amounts to love in either direction). hehe, such a big deal but i can't sing to save my life, unless, i really have to. i guess.

now it's time for bed as it'll be time to swim in a few hours, and I CAN'T WAIT TO SWIM. my body craves the water (i can swim to save my life if there are no waves, hehehe).

happy birthday chester. i love you. ;)

Flowers for you, on this lovely evening
Though they have no words they share my feelings
As we walk along the avenue
Pardon me, I just can't help staring at you


Anonymous said...

and i love you. :)

thank you.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I remember. You didn't sing when Sylvia, ako, and ikaw went to some pa sexy videoke bar with Ana J.