Thursday, June 02, 2005

Visayas days and nights

Inspired by the Priestess’ bits of Bacolod, here are some of the snapshots in my mind of my last two weeks :)

Sitting beside Priestess, hot tired and hungry – cranky -- in a church in a sleepy Capiz town for a cousin’s wedding, watching this “butler woman” ordering the entourage about, admiring the way my other cousin’s tangerine ensemble floated on top, and wrapped sexily round her legs.

The huge shower that jettisoned water onto one’s tired and battered body in the spanking new house we borrowed in Capiz for the occasion, almost bare of any furniture but complete with all the soaps and shampoos one could ever desire in a grand bathroom irresistible to a Capricorn heart.

Taking off for Dumaguete mostly by myself, starting out from our house at the outskirts of the city at half past nine in the am, enjoying our tall perch at Supercat, saying goodbye to the Priestess and her very entertaining nephew at the Bacolod Ceres terminal – the South terminal mind you – enjoying a long bus ride south, arriving at Dumaguete at sunset, catching a glimpse of ahem in his curly glory (lol), catching the forest-bound jeep, and basking in the warm welcome of girlfriends at the Forest Camp, in the early evening in our cozy bahay kubo complete with tuko. Hehe.

Early mornings, breakfast coffees with girlfriends at the Summer Camp for Young Men in beautiful surroundings, river, rock, trees and grass. Sans regular cellphone signal though and convenient transport to the city.

Heartstoppingly cold spring pools, refreshing tingling addictive.

Sleeping with HB :): making siksik ourselves and two cots in the small space (bale a cot and a half space) between two bamboo beds in our nipa hut room. Love makes lack of space possible.

Midmorning sunshine, me talking on the wonders of mutuality in relationships and sexuality, on the importance of communication, and nurturing, and expressing feelings, and of evolving into complete persons, with partners who will hold up half the sky, with 8 young men. Talking sex with 8 interested looking young men. Lol. It is worth every minute every second if they all grow up and make women happy :), if they all grow up and become happy in themselves in their persons, without abusing anyone, and being sensitive of the power relations that exist in our society.

More joyrides: at the back of a minicab, at the back of a weapons carrier with a full moon gleaming down on the serene Dumaguete waters.

More good food: in partnership with HB, we sought out our favorite vinegar-related ulams – seaweed salads and grilled fish, there’s this particular fish that’s all over the Boulevard in Dumaguete that tastes so good. Then dessert and coffee with the goddesses at Mamia’s – mango crepes and cheesecake and coffee and… Indian mangoes. Hehehe.

Forty young men getting emotional, and supportive, and being loving to a prostitution survivor, and the survivor enjoying the love and support and respect of these young men who will surely make the world a better place for her and her children and other women.

(Remember: if there were no demand, there would be no supply. The Summer Camp for Young Men aims at changing the attitudes and practices of young men on prostitution.)

And then Apo Island :). I am always happiest in sea, and sand, and sun, with friends. Snorkelling holding hands with HB while following Randy, the kindest cutest boat captain that side of the Philippines. (We have his number if you want his help at Apo!).

And then the loveliest room at Bethel fronting the Dumaguete sea. Slept beside HB no matter if there were two beds! Hehe.

Chatting with ahem and HB late into the night at Bethel :)

Early am tricycle rides with HB to the airport, breakfast under the sun. Hehehe.

Other snapshots, I’ll keep to myself :P

In the heat of the summer sunshine
I miss you like nobody else
In the heat of summer sunshine
I kiss you
And nobody needs to know
-The Corrs, summer sunshine

1 comment:

your goddess friend said...

I miss you too, HB!