Tuesday, January 17, 2006

a bright day outside

dear sweetie,

in wiser clearer calmer centered moments,
i know the only task to life is to live in the moment.

in strange difficult challenging times,
i know there is no other choice but to do so.

to address only that which confronts us in a second,
to blank the mind to all other thoughts, terrifying possibilities,
to trust that if we let go,
of all other moments that came before,
and all other moments that will follow,
the universe will stay on course, on track, as always,
though it may not appear to do so.

for the first task we have is to help ourselves,
to heal ourselves, to be cognizant of our truths,
that we cannot be helpful of others' healing
if we don't face that which lies first in our hearts.

so like the mother that cradles the infant,
hold yourself close to your heart.
there you are protected, nurtured, comforted
there you can weep, cry, rail, laugh hysterically
if necessary at the ways of the world
that seem almost at once in the same moment
mysterious wise good frightening.

let there be love and light.

:) still, chester, we say no to fear and yes to love. but it'll work itself out, without our conscious intervention but with merely our intention :).

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