Sunday, February 12, 2006

oh, here they are, those who left the room

so now i know what i want on the walls :D -- angels, mandalas and some of susan seddon boulet's works.

so chester said during my tarot reading at the japanese-dinner-event-at-home that this is going to be a productive period working with my hands. hmmm maybe it's the shuffling of the angel cards :D.

so some things i don't say because they're not worth saying.

so a friend said of this guy schoolmate of ours that he is my male equivalent in the program -- old, mostly silent/ quiet, seemingly scary, funny, smart and wise. yes, i put all those words in her mouth. hahaha. but i agreed with her. maybe we can become friends.

lately, i am wanting to be friends with everyone. it seems that friendship is so wonderful. hehehe. it's just that i have to watch myself not to fall into the usual traps because of laziness. you know the usual relational-conversational-roleplays that are so readily available, one size fits all.

but am not like that. athena athena athena, help me to exercise what i know/ am:).

and oh, angel daniel and i are friends. he knows i don't want to be in love as of now, but want to be loving and lovee.

and oh yes, this week i was a tree. (it was during a hypnosis session in one of my classes. maybe i should go for the hypnosis class too this summer). specifically, the charisa/ aratilis tree in the backyard in my childhood home.

so, happy valentine's day and say i love you Runes!

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