Tuesday, March 14, 2006



my babysitting duties just ended. how can one take against an adolescent child, his very adolescence? hehe. i dunno, am not mad at all. he's a sweet kid. but a ... heavy weight groupmate. luckily, though it was heavy work that report, it wasn't as heavy as my reserch class where i might just as well give it up without my sweet and lovely friendships (groupmates).

am adrenalin-rushed. i feel like i've just come from the battle, and it wasn't that bad. and i had fun anyway. i had fun chatting with ate nina before sleeping on my papers (my email was open and she thought i was toiling till dawn). hahaha! i never make the mistake of not sleeping ate ningning :D

actually, i love end-of-sem madness :D.

it gets my blood pumping, and i get full of good ideas.

lalala. lalala.

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